
From LibertyWin.org

This is a list of "Endorsements" by anti-libertarians.

See also: Endorsements

In the News

(March 26th, 2022) Michael Cameron Ward

Underwood as Select Board chair presented an amendment to the school district budget reducing it from $1.7 million to $800,000. The vote passed 20-14. It took less than 5% of the town's registered voters to redefine the school district.

Public Figures and Politicritters

(September 27th, 2001) John Oliver whined on his crappy TV show:

It's a state that's 88% white with a Republican governor and no adult seat-belt law. Sure, they present themselves as charming, but deep down they are basically just Florida with foliage.

Stuff that was mailed out

FSP What Is It?.jpg

Random Twitter "Endorsements"

(April 25th, 2022) Colin Booth:

It’s almost like Republicans in Concord created the most teacher-hostile climate in New Hampshire schools of any time in history and, as a result, teachers don’t want to teach here.

(March 16th, 2022) Kathy Sullivan:

Rep. Osborne doesn't mind if people move to NH for the purposes of voting to dismantle public schools